With Community Spotlight we like to showcase some the choice cuts from the submissions we receive. While the weekly BAD COLOUR Community feature will highlight a number of artists and creatives work, with Spotlight we also want to take the chance to direct all eyes to one specific piece or work, whether it be particularly poignant, heartfelt or impressive.

Below you will find a poem by Weston Reindl called 'Seven Shots'. Heavily influenced by the loss of his brother, Weston bravely invites us into his heart and asks questions of regret and frustration. The syntax is simple and and the lexicon subdued, but it's honest and possesses an endearing vulnerability.
Opening up about things that greatly impact our lives is one of the only ways to really come to terms with them. Often it's very difficult to marry our emotional position on something with how that situation manifests in our daily life and relationships, your head and the real world are frequently two opposing forces, making it a difficult and traumatic time. Many never attempt to come to terms with what they're feeling; so I thought I'd applaud Weston on putting pen to paper. He's trying to tackle some big things, so let's give him a big hand.
"My name is Weston. I've been writing for most of my life but I feel like I'm just starting to find my voice. My brother passed not too long ago. He was a rapper and in honour of him I've been writing more and thinking of maybe making music and rapping. I love to express myself through art. This poem I wrote is about my brother’s death."
"Seven shots they took, they shot seven times. It's a common crime - Police Assisted Suicide. I like to believe, you didn't really want to die. Never let you choose a side, letting seven bullets fly. On the fence of death and life, In a delicate time. Everything sounds the same, like meticulous rhyme. Wish there was something else to say. Can I turn back time? I guess that's the price I pay, for rarely keeping you in mind. But they didn't have to let, More than one bullet fly. To protect and to serve, Sounds like bullshit, right? If murderers are free, and depression is a crime, I understand why this world, made a strong man cry." [if !supportLineBreakNewLine]